Sun tech computers is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified institute by KVQA (Kvalitet Veritas Quality Assurance), which is registered under section 58 (1) of the Indian partnership Act, 1932 vide Regd.No. 459/2003 BY Govt. of Odisha & an Institutional member of Computer Society of India, CHENAI vide Institutional No 102047, Beside this Suntech Computers is also an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Computer Organization which is dedicated to the enhancement of income generation potential in the youth by providing quality training in field of Technical, Vocational, Computers and communication to adopt the requirements of the industry and company.
The mission of ISO is to promote development of standardization and related activities in the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services and to developing the co-operation in the sphere of intellectual, scientific technological and economic activities.
ISO means The international Standardization for Organization ISO is a trademark which gives you a shape to your Career, conceptual studies with best faculties which give the best direction.ISO certified Organization Adding value to your Certificate with a legal validity .By this certificate you can be recognized globally. Computer Education and Information technology was established in 2003 by the group of entrepreneurs working in the field of IT with a ground level experience of more than 15 years. With the motto of imparting a techno-sociological phenomenon called "Information Technology" to the masses.
Unemployment is the paramount problem in India Today, which is at the root of almost every antisocial activities, be it petty crime or organized terrorism. This is why the policy of the Government to provide finest education to the best and brightest in the formal Institution of Administration ,Computers Engineering, Medicine leaving the mass of average youth the general education that of no use in obtaining employment.
It offers most comprehensive range of training courses in the nation designated to prepare a student to the standard of Indian Industries in the field of Electronics Television and Videos, Computer Hardware, software and Networking, Secretarial Practice, English language etc.
Computer Education and Information technology was established in 2003 by the group of entrepreneurs working in the field of IT with a ground level experience of more than 15 years. With the motto of imparting a techno-sociological phenomenon called "Information Technology" to the masses.